of the International Elias Canetti Society
Funded by the Danube Rectors' Conference
The Canetti Artist Scholarship is aimed at artists from all over Europe. The fact that it
is also advertised to artists from neighboring countries, from the Western Balkans and
from Turkey, should, in particular, provide opportunities for international, artistic
exchange. Various different forms of arts should be fostered by the scholarship:
Painters, photographers, writers, performance artists, translators and musicians can
apply for it.
The slogan of the scholarship - Sharing Future – aims at a collaborative creation and
cooperation for a joint Europe and a common future.
The scholarship is advertised for one month a year.
More information can be found below:
During the General Assembly on November 9, 2018
the admission of two applicant universities was approved,
so the DRC network has two new members:
University of Applied Sciences Ulm
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
We warmly welcomes the new members to our network and look forward to future cooperation!
On behalf of the Priority Area 7 “Knowledge Society” of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, you are invited to participate in a public online consultation related to the EUSDR Action plan revision. By participating in this consultation process, you can contribute to creating new PA7 actions and therefore suggest relevant topics in the areas of research, education and ICT.
The European Commission is delighted to announce the launch of the pilot Eurograduate Survey, which will lay foundations for European-wide comparable data on graduates, their transitions to the labour market, their mobility across Europe and their role in society overall.
For the 7th EUSDR Annual Forum in Sofia, JRC prepared an interactive software tool Story Map on tourism in the Danube region.
EU-funded projects on tourism, cultural heritage and arts, bike routes and wellness resorts are among the highlights of an interactive Story Map on tourism in the Danube region, launched by the JRC at the 7th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) on 18th October 2018 in Sofia.
During the General Assembly, a new presidency will be elected.
Comenius University Bratislava
Šafárikovo námestie 6
P.O.BOX 440
814 99 Bratislava, Slovakia
Website: https://uniba.sk/
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) is organising on 15th and 16th November 2018 a workshop on "Start-ups in Innovation Ecosystems in South-East Europe" in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The workshop will target in particular policy makers and other innovation stakeholders such as universities, research organisations, chambers of commerce, business angels, science parks and other relevant practitioners from South-East Europe.
Apply to participate
In line with one of the actions of EUSDR PA5 “to support anticipating local and regional impacts of climate change regarding the Danube Region through research”, priority area coordination is intent to collect the results of finalized or ongoing research projects and best practices within the Danube basin on the field of climate change adaptation. Therefore, PA5 area will finance in 2018 a Thematic Issue of the Journal of Environmental Geography (JoEG) in cooperation with the University of Szeged.
The thematic issue aims to encompass articles from different fields, analysing among others the vulnerability of water bodies, soil mass, different ecosystems and the human environment of the region to climate change impacts and helps to identify potential adaptation measures. The issue will facilitate to raise awareness and gather stakeholders to share knowledge and focus on the better preparedness and resilience of the Danube countries against the adverse effects of climate change. It also gives a great opportunity to trace the Danube basin research progress in order to stimulate further investigation topics.
15th Danube Rectors’ Conference
Summer School on Regional Cooperation
“Modernizing Europe: Generating Accountability"
Danube University Krems
1st - 8th July 2018
Report can be found here.
The rector of the Danube University Krems on education reform, collaboration along the river, the benefits of studying in the countryside and the Danube Rectors' Conference:
The Danubius Award was created in 2011 by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) with the intention to honor persons with extraordinary achievements in their scientific activity and output in relation to the Danube Region.
We kindly ask you to save the date for our next Annual Meeting to be held at the Comenius University Bratislava 7. - 9. November 2018.
During the General Assembly, we will elect a new presidency.
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre, under the auspices of the Bulgaria Presidency of the Council of the EU, is pleased to invite you to the conference on ''Smart Specialisation and Technology Transferas Innovation Drivers for Regional Growth'' taking place in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 3-4th May 2018.
This high level conference will bring together policymakers, scientists, businesses, regional authorities and universities to consider the opportunities and challenges for Europe, notably South-east Europe and including the Western Balkans, in research, development, education, employment and innovation and in particular, the process of skills creation, knowledge and technology.
Joint Research Centre is glad to announce that the a new series of calls for open access to JRC scientific laboratories and facilities in the non-nuclear and nuclear areas has been opened.
The calls are addressed to external users from academia and research organisations, industry, SMEs, and more in general from the private and public sectors.
You will find all relevant information here: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/research-facility/open-access
University of Maribor invites students from the Danube region to the International Interdisciplinary Out of the Box Summer School on Solution Design titled “The value of waste!” and taking place in Maribor from June 17th to 30th, 2018. You may obtain all information on the topic and programme on the website http://summer.outofthebox.um.si/.
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in co-operation with Global Challenges University Alliance (GCUA) are pleased to invite you to Workshop on "Life Science Universities and the UN Sustainable Development Goals" taking place in Vienna, Austria from 16-18 April 2018.