DRC Vice-President and EUA board member Prof. Dr. Ivanka Popović, DRC Vice-President and Rector of the University of Continuing Education Krems (UWK) Mag. Friedrich Faulhammer and the DRC Secretary General and IDM Managing Director Mag. Sebastian Schäffer attended the Annual Conference of the European University Association (EUA) in Budapest.

From April 28th to 29th, 2022, various expert presentations were given on the general topic "University values: what, why and how?" at the University of Technology and Economics Budapest. In the breakout session "Strategic Framework instead of Strategy - an institution-wide approach to drive values into reality", Mag. Friedrich Faulhammer presented the further strategic development of the UWK as a "best practice" model. The "Spotlight on Ukraine", touching upon the effects of the war on educational and research institutions as well as the experiences of a professor who had to flee her academic institution for the second time after 2014, was particularly impressive for the DRC representatives.