The European Week of Regions and Cities is the perfect framework to bring the Danube Region Strategy closer to the people:
On 13th October, starting at 14:30 CET, we invite all interested parties to join us for an hour to learn how macro-regional cooperation works and how youngsters and young adults are supported by the Danube Region Strategy.
EUSDR (through the Danube Strategy Point) and the project consortium Supercomputers and Intellectuall Property Rights for successful Technology Transfer are teaming up to present both the practical "how" and the policy "why" of presenting concrete projects, strategic actions and hands-on experience.
Participants will be shown how cohesion and cooperation go hand in hand and how the actions of a macro-regional strategy are reflected in projects with the aim of supporting business growth and ensuring prosperity in the Danube Region. The session will also show how young people and academia enable SMEs to gain a competitive advantage by applying High-Performance Computing (HPC), how co-designing knowledge-intensive innovative products may be used in transnational value-chains and how intellectual property rights may be protected.
Join us by registering for our session - the countdown for registration is running - 27th September.